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Minors' Rights Vs. Parents' Rights:

Untangling the Web for New Jersey Clinicians





                  Leslie S. Tsukroff, Inc., Provider # 153, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work

                  continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing

                  Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for

                  continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: 9/20/2024-9/20/2025. 

                  Social workers completing this course receive 3 Ethics continuing education credits. 




                  Leslie S. Tsukroff, Inc. has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider,

                  ACEP No. 7636. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Leslie S. 

                  Tsukroff, Inc. is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

                  3 NBCC Ethics credit hours. 

Approved Delivery Methods and Formats: 

Distance learning:
Live, interactive and synchronous distance​​

Join New Jersey’s premier ethics consultant, Leslie S. Tsukroff, MSW, LCSW for an informative and interactive workshop. Upon completion of this workshop, New Jersey clinicians will be able to:


1. Apply the relevant New Jersey state laws, federal laws and ethical standards to determine New Jersey minors’ rights regarding consent to treatment and privacy and confidentiality.

2. Weigh the various clinical, ethical, practical and legal issues when working with minors whose parents are divorced, divorcing or separated

3. Describe under what circumstances a minor in NJ can consent to their own care and maintain control over who may gain access to their health care information           


Course Description

Understanding minors’ rights to privacy and confidentiality and the terms under which they are able to consent to their own treatment is complicated. Clinicians must sift through a variety of state and federal laws in order to find the legal answer, while also taking into consideration prevailing ethical standards and what is in the best interests of their minor clients. Although many clinicians believe that consent to treat minors and access to minors’ medical/mental health records are the same thing, they are actually two very different, but connected issues. A minor’s right to consent, rights of access/denial and privacy and confidentiality vary depending on factors such as the age and status of the minor, individual circumstances, the reason for seeking services, and who initiated services. Determining who legitimately holds these rights becomes even more complex when working with minors whose parents are divorced, separated or divorcing. This course is an invaluable resource for New Jersey clinicians, as it will help clarify the roles, responsibilities and rights of all parties involved.  

Target Audience
This course is designed for New Jersey mental health professionals who work with minors and their families.


Course Content Level



Program will be 3 hours of actual time
There will be one,  10-minute break 





Welcome, intro, agenda (10 minutes)

Informed consent (20 minutes)


                Ethics, NJ licensing regulations, HIPAA

                Paths to

Privacy and confidentiality (25 minutes)


                Ethics, NJ licensing regulations, HIPAA

                Gaining informed consent

Rights of Access

                Who, what, when, why

                Exceptions, denials and limits

Minors – informed consent (40 minutes)

                Ethics, NJ licensing regulations, state laws, HIPAA

                Parents’ rights; Authorized representatives; Age of majority

                NJ Minor Consent Laws

                       Boys and Girls Clubs Keystone Law

                       Substance Abuse Treatment

                       Special circumstances – Emancipated minors; exceptions

Break – 10 minutes

Minors- privacy and confidentiality (40 minutes)

               Ethics, NJ licensing regulations, state laws HIPAA       

               Parents rights- access, denial, limitations

               Summary, redactions

               NJ Minor Consent Laws

                      Boys and Girls Clubs Keystone Law

                      Substance Abuse Treatment

                      Special circumstances- Emancipated minors’ privacy protections; exceptions

              Releasing to 3rd parties/authorizing access to 3rd parties

Minors parental divorce (35 minutes)

             Ethics, NJ licensing regulations, state laws, HIPAA, standard of care

             Consent for treatment

             Parental rights

             Privacy and confidentiality

Q and A/Final Thoughts (10 minutes)



Deadlines, Cancellation/Refund Policies, Complaints, ADA Needs, Questions/Concerns

  • If participants have any questions or concerns or are dissatisfied with any part of the registration process, facilities, non-receipt of certificates,  the presenter or the presentation, or any other complaints, they should contact Leslie S. Tsukroff, MSW, LCSW, the program administrator directly @ 973-879-1678 or @

  • In order to assist in the ethical and timely resolution of grievances, Leslie S. Tsukroff, Inc.’s Auxiliary Social Work Consultant, Laura Taylor, MSW, LSW will be actively involved in addressing and resolving all disputes.  

  • If the results of the grievance process are unsatisfactory, New Jersey social workers have the option to contact the approving entity, with an option to appeal to their licensing board.

  • All complaints will be responded to within 7 days from the receipt of the complaint.

  • Full refunds will be given to registrants up until 1 week (7 days) prior to the event. 

  • Requests for refunds must be made in writing and mailed to Leslie S. Tsukroff, Inc., Business Management Consulting for Mental Health Practitioners, 68 North Bridge Street, Somerville, NJ 08876 or via e-mail to

  • Registration Deadlines:  BY MAIL 7 days prior to event. BY E-MAIL 1 day prior to the event. ONLINE- 90 minutes prior to event.

  • ​Leslie S. Tsukroff, Inc. would be happy to accommodate your ADA Needs.  Please call (973-879-1678) to discuss at least 2 weeks prior to event.

  • If you have any questions, please call Leslie S. Tsukroff, MSW, LCSW @ 973-879-1678 or e-mail her @


Course Completion

Certificates will be e-mailed to participants within 7 days:
1.    Who attend the entire session
2.    Return a completed course evaluation.  
3.    Course evaluations will be e-mailed to registrants who attend the entire session, within 30 minutes of the workshop ending. 



How to Register



     Register and pay on-line with a credit card    

By Phone: 973-879-1678

     Register and pay with a credit card or

     Request a registration form


     Request a registration form



Leslie S. Tsukroff, MSW, LCSW is the Founder and Executive Director of Leslie S. Tsukroff, Inc, which encompasses both her private psychotherapy practice and her consulting business, aimed at assisting behavioral health clinicians achieve their business goals.   Leslie hails from a long line of entrepreneurs, following in the footsteps of her grandfathers, uncles, father and her mother.  Prior to launching her own psychotherapy practice in 1999, she worked in the trenches as a child/family preventative services worker, an on-site school mental health counselor, and as staff clinician at a community-based agency.  She gained further invaluable knowledge while developing clinical preventive programs for at-risk youth, spearheading startup programs for non-profits and working as an outpatient care manager during the rise of managed care during the 1990s.  


Leslie is a recognized authority in professional ethics, risk management and private practice development in New Jersey. Her passion for social work professional ethics grew from her interest in the law and her prior employment at a law firm during college. While she determined early on that a career in law was not the right fit for her, serving on the NASW-NJ Ethics Committee and later being appointed Chairperson presented the opportunity to meld her clinical, ethical and legal worlds.


Most recently, she had the honor and privilege of serving on a task force charged with developing a new, comprehensive, and practical document for NASW entitled, “Clinical Social Workers in Private Practice: A Reference Manual.” In addition to providing input on the entire document, Leslie lent her professional ethics and private practice expertise by authoring sections on the subjects of professional wills, retirement and closing a private practice, minor's rights, issues impacting minors whose parents are divorced/separated, business planning, subpoenas, sliding scales, client–social worker practice agreements, informed consent standards and suggested case record forms.


With close to 3 decades of giving back to the social work and mental health communities, Leslie has served on various Boards of Directors, written articles, offered pro-bono presentations, and provided low-cost supervision and consultation to mental health professionals throughout the tri-state area.  As a Qualified Clinical Supervisor in New Jersey, she is committed to ensuring future generations of clinical social workers have the necessary skills to practice competently and ethically. Throughout her career she has served on several professional committees/task forces focused on continuing education for social workers, private practitioner concerns, insurance and managed care issues and social work licensure rules and requirements.

Leslie conducts engaging training workshops focusing on traditional business practices, risk management, documentation and record-keeping, private practice development, billing, ethical and legal issues and clinical matters. She has a passion for the collaborative learning process, and drawing on her clinical/ethics–related expertise she provides customized clinical, ethical, and private practice building consultations.  


In addition to her mental health consulting business, she maintains an office in Somerville, New Jersey and provides remote psychotherapy to clients located in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. 

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