Leslie S. Tsukroff, MSW, LCSW
Leslie S. Tsukroff, Inc.

Psychotherapist • Consultant • Supervisor • Educator
License # NJ Social Work 44SC04781400
License # PA Social Work CW021709
Leslie S. Tsukroff, Inc.
Leslie S. Tsukroff, MSW, LCSW
68 North Bridge Street
Somerville, NJ 08876
Helpful Information:
Office hours are by appointment only
Virtual and in-person appointments available in New Jersey
Virtual appointments available for those located in Pennsylvania
Office conveniently located near routes 202/206, 287, 28 and 22 in Somerville, New Jersey
Ample off-street, private and public parking
Handicapped accessible
Licensure Complaints
As a social worker, Leslie is licensed by the New Jersey Board of Social Work Examiners, an agency of the Division of Consumer Affairs. You may notify the Board of any complaint relative to the practice conducted by a social worker. The Board’s address is
Division of Consumer Affairs, Board of Social Work Examiners
Post Office Box 45033
124 Halsey Street
Newark, New Jersey 07101
As a social worker, Leslie is licensed by the Pennsylvania State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors, an agency of the Pennsylvania Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs (BPOA). You may notify the Board of any complaint relative to the practice conducted by a social worker. The Board’s address is:
State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors
P.O. Box 2649
Harrisburg, PA 17105-2649
Ethics Related Complaints
Leslie is a member in good standing with The National Association of Social Workers (NASW). As such, she is committed to uphold the profession’s values and to act in accordance with the basic values, ethical principles and ethical standards found in The NASW Code of Ethics. If you believe that Leslie may have acted in an unethical manner, you may access information on how to file a complaint with NASW’s Office of Ethics and Professional Review @ 800-638-8799 or visit https://www.socialworkers.org/